09 setembro 2010

Russ Chimes - Midnight Club EP

At the time of the exit of the EP “Midnight Club” of the artist Russ Chimes, here a work and a made up film in 3 parts turned in Los Angeles.
Director Saman Keshavarz partnered with Producer Francis Pollara (the man behind Cinnamon Chasers’ Luv Deluxe) – to create the Midnight Club EP
The music video stars Kendrick Kellawan as the protagonist and Mindy Brenner. Jessica Franz and Ben Barrett are co-stars caught up in the ultra complex series of events. The couple’s fate is illustrated through a suspenseful montage of kidnapping and lust as the protagonist works to rebuild the happenings and whereabouts of his girlfriend. Russ Chimes’ songs Never look backTertre Rouge and Targa are featured. Each song is a separate music video, but when combined form the trilogy’s narrative. Each separate piece is a part of the whole, which tells the viewer a bit at a time and helps to make sense of the immensely complex and nonlinear story.

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